Spawning GUI...
Howdy! I'm TestDriver v4.2.7
Working on /Users/ianjennings/demo-setup/testdriver/testdriver.yml
This is beta software!
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Warning! TestDriver sends screenshots of the desktop to our API.
Welcome to the Testdriver Setup!
This is a preview of the
Please report any issues in our Discord server:
Beginning setup...
✔ Enable desktop notifications? … yes
✔ Minimize terminal app? … yes
✔ Enable text to speech narration? … yes
✔ Send anonymous analytics? … yes
✔ Where should we append these values? … .env
Writing .env...
Downloading latest workflow files...
Writing .github
Writing .github/workflows
Writing .github/workflows/testdriver.yml
Testdriver setup complete!
Create a new test by running:
testdriverai testdriver/test.yml